Your New Hires are Dory’s

Your new hires are Dory's

What does Dory the Fish have to do with new hires and the onboarding process? As it turns out a lot!
By acknowledging the Dory effect, employers can set realistic expectations and adopt strategies that facilitate the learning process for new hires.

Remote Employee Onboarding: 7 Ways to Avoid a Disaster

A man sitting at a table with a laptop during remote employee onboarding

Isn’t is a dream when new team members join? The SWAG! The coffee and new conversations! The excitement of the first day!
But how does remote employee onboarding work? Here’s how to set new team members up for the win!

SOPs for Onboarding New Employees: 3 Examples To Use

3 SOPs you need for your employee onboarding programme

Onboarding new employees are one of the most important aspects of a hiring manager’s job but creating an onboarding program can be difficult without the right guidance.
What should you include in your program? And what are the best practices for onboarding new employees?
With John Elder from The Business Blocks, let’s discuss the three SOPs you need for your employee onboarding program.

How to Create an In-quiz-ative Learning Culture?

Use quizzes to create and foster a learning culture.

Learning culture. It’s a buzz word.
“The single biggest driver of business impact is the strength of an organisation’s learning culture”, Josh Bersin

But what exactly is a learning culture, and why is it important? And how do you encourage team members to become more in-quiz-itive?

Three Tips to Keep your Top-Rated Talent in your Scale-Up

Tips to keep top-rated talent in a scale-up

With the hiring and firing spree currently taking place in tech, you’d be mistaken for thinking that finding and keeping top-rated talent would be easy.

Whilst high profile companies including Uber, Microsoft, Twitter, Wayfair, Snap and Facebook-parent Meta have announced hiring freezes, others such as Netflix, Peloton and more are justifying layoffs.

The ROI of using Whale

Lady celebrating the ROI of using Whale

When considering implementing Whale in their businesses, we’re often asked this important question; what is the value and ROI of using Whale?