
30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan: A Complete Template

As entrepreneurs and business leaders aiming to scale, you know that the first few months for a new hire are crucial. A well-structured onboarding plan not only propels them towards productivity but also enhances their engagement and commitment to your company's mission.

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30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan: A Complete Template

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Introducing the 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan

This template is your roadmap for accelerated success for new hires. The 30 60 90 day onboarding plan provides a structured framework that ensures new hires have a clear path to success during their first three months.

Crafting a 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan is like setting the GPS for your new hire’s journey, ensuring that they not only reach the desired destinations but also enjoy the ride. 

Think of a 30-60-90 Day Plan as your new hire’s personal GPS, guiding them through the initial complexities of their role while ensuring they get the ultimate employee experience. The 30 60 90 day plan for new hires is essential for ensuring they are on track during the critical first few months.

This plan isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about creating a journey that empowers your new team members to unlock their full potential and contribute to your business’s growth. Using a 30 60 90 onboarding plan template ensures that each new hire’s journey is structured and effective.

Ready to navigate through this? Let’s buckle up and start this exciting ride, ensuring your new hires are not only equipped but also inspired to take on their new roles.

What is a 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan?

A 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan is a strategic blueprint designed to help new hires successfully integrate into a company. But what is a 30 60 90 plan exactly? It is a phased approach that structures the onboarding journey into learning, contributing, and leading phases. It’s structured as a step-by-step journey that spans the first 90 days of employment, divided into three distinct phases. The 30-60-90 day onboarding plan is critical for setting expectations and tracking progress through these phases.:

  • the first 30 days (learning)
  • the next 30 days (contributing)
  • the final 30 days (leading)

This phased approach helps new employees not only understand their role and the company culture but also begin contributing to the team’s goals and eventually take on leadership responsibilities in their domain.

Is a 30-60-90 Onboarding plan relevant for remote members?

Absolutely yes! Remote hires need as much, if not more support than office bound team members. 

What are the Benefits of a 30-60-90 Day Plan?

The statistics and onboarding trends don’t lie. 

BambooHR onboarding stats, employees who hadwho had an effective 30-60-90 day onboarding plan feel up to 18x more commitment to their workplace compared to those who had a less effective onboarding experience.

A great employee onboarding experience;

  • Accelerates Time to Productivity: By providing clear goals and structured training from day one, this plan reduces the time it takes for new hires to reach full productivity.
  • Enhances Employee Engagement: A thoughtful onboarding process shows new hires they are valued, significantly boosting their engagement and morale.
  • Reduces Turnover: Employees who experience a comprehensive comprehensive 30-60-90 day onboarding plan are more likely to feel satisfied with their job and stay with the company longer.
  • Promotes Organizational Alignment: This plan ensures that new hires understand their role in the larger context of the company’s goals, promoting a unified approach to achieving strategic objectives. By following a 30 60 90 day plan for new hires, employees are more likely to meet expectations and contribute effectively.
  • Supports Continuous Improvement: Regular feedback and adjustments throughout the onboarding process support continuous learning and improvement, beneficial for both the employee and the organization.
  • Better time management: The 90 day plan will help you and your new hire to manage your time more efficiently on tasks that are actionable and quantifiable.

enhance.training about a 30-60-90 day plan for managers

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How to create a 30-60-90 day plan?

Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan isn’t just about filling out a template—it’s about crafting a personalized journey that aligns with both the company’s goals and the new hire’s professional growth. 

Here’s how you can create a plan that is both effective and inspiring:

1. Envision the Employee’s Journey with Your Company

Start by visualizing the ideal path your new hire will take from day one to day ninety and beyond. Think about how they will evolve within your company’s ecosystem and how they can best contribute to its success. 

💡TIP – you may want to see how The Hilton’s moto is “hire to retire”.

2. Consider the Objectives for Your New Hire

Define what you expect the new hire to achieve in their first three months. These objectives should be aligned with your company’s strategic goals and should be clear and achievable.

3. Establish SMART Goals

Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For each phase of the plan, set SMART goals that will guide your new hire towards success. 

💡TIP – You may even want to set a ROCK to onboard a new hire.

4. Get Feedback from Your New Team Member

Involve the new hire in the planning process. This not only helps tailor the 30-60-90 day onboarding plan to suit their unique skills and interests but also makes them feel valued and understood from the start.

5. Create the 30-60-90 Day Plan and Customize it

With the feedback and objectives in mind, draft a tailored plan that provides a clear roadmap for your new hire. Ensure each phase builds upon the last, gradually increasing responsibility and complexity.

6. Schedule Regular Check-ins

This will ensure the team member feels confident in achieving their objectives

Regular check-ins are crucial for addressing any concerns, providing support, and adjusting the plan as necessary to help the new hire stay on track and feel confident.

Essential elements of 30-60-90 Day Plan Template?

The 4 essential elements of any 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan includes;

1. Clear Objectives

Each period (30, 60, 90 days) should have specific objectives that build upon the last. Understanding how to write a 30 60 90 day plan involves breaking down objectives and aligning them with the company’s strategic goals. For example; 

First 30 Days: Orientation and Integration

Objective: Acclimate your new hire to the company culture and their role.

Key Activities:

  • Company orientation sessions to introduce company values, mission, and key team members.
  • In-depth training sessions focused on role-specific skills and tools.
  • Assignment of a mentor for ongoing support and guidance.
  • Initial projects that are manageable yet challenging to instill confidence and stimulate engagement.


60 Days (Month 2): Skill Enhancement and Contribution

Objective: Build on the skills required for the role and start contributing to team goals.

Key Activities:

  • Continued role-specific or ongoing employee training, now focusing on more advanced aspects.
  • Regular feedback sessions with their mentor and manager to adjust learning paths as necessary.
  • Introduction to team projects, encouraging collaboration and a deeper understanding of team dynamics.
  • Encouragement to propose new ideas or improvements to existing processes.


Final 30 Days (Month 3): Strategic Impact and Autonomy

Objective: Encourage autonomy in role and alignment with long-term strategic goals.

Key Activities:

  • Involvement in strategic meetings to offer insights and suggestions.
  • Setting up individual goals aligned with business objectives.
  • Encouragement to take the lead on a project related to their expertise.
  • Evaluation of progress through formal reviews and planning next steps for development.

2. Defined Success Metrics: 

Establish what success looks like for each phase in terms of defined metrics. This might include completing certain training modules, achieving specific project goals, or demonstrating competency in key skills.

3. Scheduled Check-ins and Feedback: 

Regular meetings with supervisors and peers to provide feedback and discuss challenges and successes help keep the new hire on track and engaged.

4. The right technology

The right onboarding software will make a world of difference to new hire training

Technology helps;

  • Create training content that engages
  • Design custom training journeys for different teams and roles
  • Rely on automation for delivery to save you a ton of time
  • New hires overcome the forgetting curve
  • Track progress

FAQs on 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan

63% of companies don’t extend their onboarding programs beyond the first 30 days!

But experts agree that onboarding should take at least three months and even up to one year.

The aim is to set your new hire up for success. 

The more accomplished and knowledgeble they feel, the more confident they will feel. And the more confident they feel, the more likely they are to contribute.

Using tools like Whale to document company information and onboarding tasks ahead of time and celebrating the tasks achieved, will give the team and new hires confidence. 

With Whale, it’s extremely easy to customize your 30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan. You simply access the template below and then amend what’s important.

For instance, certain sections may not apply to your company. Or you may wish to highlight certain sections, policies or procedures.

You can simply add the relevant details where indicated.

Managers are vital for ensuring a smooth introduction and transition for new hires into their professional roles and the company culture. 

Managers serve as the link between the new hire and the company.  Make sure to check out our new hires checklist for managers. 

  1. Personalize the Experience: Tailor the onboarding process to match the unique strengths and learning pace of each hire.
  2. Set Clear Milestones: Ensure that both the new employee and their managers understand the expectations and deliverables at each stage.
  3. Foster Open Communication: Establish a culture where new hires feel comfortable seeking help and sharing ideas right from the start.
  4. Celebrate Achievements: Recognize milestones reached during the onboarding process to motivate and reinforce positive outcomes.

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