Explore our Onboarding & Training SOP & Process template gallery

Move from chaos to clarity with our comprehensive selection of Onboarding & Training templates.

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Onboarding and training SOP templates to help you unlock growth!

Set up new team members for success from day 1!

We developed a comprehensive set of onboarding and training templates to ensure new hires have a smooth transition into their roles. Our templates provide an efficient and organized approach, allowing new employees to track their onboarding tasks in a centralized location easily and effortlessly, empowering new hires to embark on their journey toward success right from their very first day!

Gear up for success! Start today.

Our Products & Services Template

An overview of the exceptional products and services your company offers

People Directory Template

Use our people directory template to get organized and connect your people to their purpose and to each other.

30-60-90 Day Onboarding Plan

A step-by-step plan to onboard new employees successfully in their first months

Welcome to the Company Template

A warm and informative introduction to help new employees feel at home

Frequently Asked Questions

Onboarding templates should be used whenever you want to streamline and standardize the onboarding process, ensuring a consistent and efficient experience for new hires and to train existent team members. They are particularly valuable when scaling your organization or when aiming to provide a seamless onboarding experience across different teams or departments.

According to a study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), organizations with a structured onboarding process in place experience 50% greater new hire retention. By utilizing onboarding templates, companies can ensure a consistent and engaging experience that helps new employees feel supported and connected from the start.

Absolutely! Research conducted by HR.com found that organizations using onboarding templates reduced the administrative time spent onboarding by an average of 31%. With a pre-defined template, HR teams can streamline the onboarding process, automate repetitive tasks, and allocate more time to strategic initiatives and employee engagement.

Ready to unlock the next level of growth for your business?​

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