Time to Reconsider Your Employee Training Strategy?

Reconsider your training strategy

Who’s got time to worry about an employee training strategy when you’re trying to scale your business right?
Well, the thing is that if set up right, your employee training strategy is one of the key elements that’s going to have your team performing at the top level!

The Customer Success Playbook

Customer Success Playbook

Philip Wolf is the Founder & CEO of Custify, a customer success platform for SaaS companies. Custify aims to take the pain out of customer success management and allows teams to spend time with clients rather than organizing CRM data.
We recently hosted Philipp on The Unlocking Growth Show to share his ultimate Customer Success Playbook;
3 ways to use Customer Success as a growth channel, not a cost center.

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Buy Whale

A man shrugging thinking of 6 Reasons why you shouldn't buy Whale

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in a solution that helps you centralize your documentation, onboard new team members, and train your team.

Instead of just selling you on Whale, we want to take this space to give an honest breakdown of when it makes sense to buy Whale — and when it doesn’t.

Why You Should Care About “Jobs to be Done!”

Jobs to be done book

We recently hosted Jim Kalbach on the Unlocking Growth Podcast speaking
about his book “The Jobs To Be Done Playbook”.
We wanted to know the essentials on HOW TO align markets to customers
needs but first, what on earth does “Jobs to be done” mean?

AI is Coming to a Business Near You

A group of people in front of an AI tool

Whale, let’s ChatGPT…

Unless you’ve been living away on another galaxy, you’ve heard of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) project to hit the planet.
In this article, we’ll look at why every business needs to invest in AI and actually why you probably already have.

How to Create an In-quiz-ative Learning Culture?

Use quizzes to create and foster a learning culture.

Learning culture. It’s a buzz word.
“The single biggest driver of business impact is the strength of an organisation’s learning culture”, Josh Bersin

But what exactly is a learning culture, and why is it important? And how do you encourage team members to become more in-quiz-itive?

The Essentials of Networking in Business

Essentials of networking in business Whale blog

The value of networking in business cannot be underestimated. A strong network is one of an entrepreneur’s most valuable assets with benefits ranging from emotional support to tangible referrals and investment.