The Three Types of Training – Part 2: Ongoing Employee Training

The concept of ongoing employee training is a strategic investment that fosters a culture of growth, productivity, and innovation within the organization.
The Three Types of Training – Part 1: New Employee Onboarding

New employee onboarding can be a challenge but there are a variety of different types of training that are crucial to ensure you’re giving your staff the tools they need to succeed. In this miniseries, we’re going to give you everything you need to understand the three most important types of training. Let’s start with onboarding.
Document Engagement: 3 Reasons No One Reads Your Company Documents

So you know that company knowledge is a competitive asset.
But no one seems to be reading the important company documents you’ve been producing. Frustrating, isn’t it?
Don’t worry; you’re not alone.
The Process Scorecard – What to Measure to Be Process Driven

Why would you want to develop a process scorecard?
Being process-driven means emphasizing efficiency. Here’s a guide on what to measure and how to make it happen.
What is the 80/20 Rule? And How to Use it, to Scale Your Business

Understanding The 80/20 Rule to scale your business results in more focused activity and results based activities.
Today, we’re specifically diving into how to use The 80/20 Rule to scale your business.
eMyth Book Review – 5 Process Takeaways

Michael E. Gerber is one of the most-read famed entrepreneurs of all time. We dived in to do an eMyth Revisited Book Review and focused on 5 process related takeaways.
Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Win Back Your Time as an Entrepreneur

Are you feeling overwhelmed by everything on your to-do list as an entrepreneur? Nevermind other commitments like family, sleep and working out? Here’s how to win back your time
How to Get Your Team to Follow a Process Consistently

There’s no point creating processes unless they’re followed by all. Learn essential strategies and practical tips to ensure your team is consistently following the process in the EOS model with Whale.
How to Review Your SOPs and Company Documentation

Why on earth would you need to review your SOPs? ? Surely once you’ve gone through the challenge and effort of assimilating your company processes and SOPs, that’s enough?
SOPs are a vital part of your company’s life force and are bound to change along with the company’s growth.
The Future of Knowledge Sharing in the Workplace

Knowledge Sharing isn’t just about Standard Operating Procedures and processes; it’s a significant contributor to growth in a business and an opportunity to scale business, mitigate business risk and promote engagement.
Vision/Traction Organizer™: The Complete Guide

Explore everything you need to know about the Vision/Traction Organizer™. What are the 8 questions, how to ace them and what processes you’ll need along the way.
Best Practice for Naming your SOPs

Imagine you’ve put in the time and effort to actually create and transfer your company information and processes into one centralized hub, like Whale. But then no one accesses them because the names are abstract or obtuse?
Naming your SOPs properly is key!