
AI Writing Assistant

Transform Your SOP Creation with AI: Generate, Refine, and Perfect Process Documentation Faster Than Ever




Auto-Generate Base Documentation

AI-Powered Content Creation

Click the AI icon in the toolbar to start generating content directly within your playbook.


Customize Your Prompts

Input your prompt, select between policy or procedure, and define your industry and content depth for tailored results.

A screenshot features a form for creating an "AI-Assist Card." A highlighted section with an icon and text reads "Create AI-Assist Card," indicated by a pink arrow.

Speed Up the Documentation Process

Instant Drafts

Use AI to generate first drafts for your cards in seconds, allowing you to quickly jumpstart the documentation process.

Reduce Editing Time

AI helps you refine the content with fewer revisions, improving quality while cutting down the time spent editing and reworking text.

Other features

AI-Generated Quizzes


Version History

Org Chart

Onboard, train and elevate your team
with Whale

Whale is AI-powered software for documenting processes and training.