
Version History

Easily manage and compare different versions of your cards to ensure content stays up-to-date and accurate.




Review and Compare Versions

Access Version History

View all previous versions of a card, including ownership and changes made, directly from the Insights tab.

Compare Versions

Easily compare older versions with the current one to spot differences and track updates.

Dashboard showing a bar graph of monthly data with two labeled sections for "Playbook expert" and "Card creator," along with a table of version history below with dates and names to streamline onboarding and facilitate employee training.
Screenshot of a digital interface displaying property acquisition and development content, with options to embed video, image, or files from various sources like Google Drive and OneDrive. Ideal for process documentation & training for real estate professionals.

Revert to Previous Versions

Restore Previous Versions

If necessary, revert your card to an earlier version, ensuring flexibility in content management.

Audit for Accuracy

Use version history to audit changes and ensure your documentation is always accurate and aligned.

Other features

AI-Generated Quizzes

Generate quizzes in seconds using AI, transforming content into engaging assessments for process training and knowledge validation.

QR Codes

Generate QR codes for your Whale playbooks or cards, making process documentation accessible on the go with just a scan.


Tailor Whale’s appearance to match your company’s identity, ensuring consistency and a familiar look for your team.

Onboard, train and elevate your team
with Whale

Whale is AI-powered software for documenting processes and training.