

Create easy-to-follow checklists that guide your employees step-by-step through tasks.

Create checklists with ease

Add and describe

Add your steps one at a time and offer a description for clarity sake

Add an input field

Offer the option to add comments or other inputs for each step

Assign to your team and track


Assign checklists to an individual or a team and in the office or on the go.

Track completion

Monitor when and who completed which tasks in the insights report.

Other features

Version History

Easily manage and compare different versions of your cards to ensure content stays up-to-date and accurate.

AI-Generated Quizzes

Generate quizzes in seconds using AI, transforming content into engaging assessments for process training and knowledge validation.

Analytics & Reporting

Track Engagement and Progress Effortlessly with Whale’s Analytics

Onboard, train and elevate your team with Whale​

Whale is AI-powered software for documenting processes and training your teams.