
Objection Handling Template

Techniques and strategies to address common objections and close deals.

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Objection Handling Template

Common onjections

You’re so close to that “yes” you can almost taste it. And then boom, they drop the most dreaded bomb. “But…actually…”

Objections are the most common roadblock to closing but they needn’t stop you dead in your tracks!

Here are 4 common objections;

Objection 1:

It’s too expensive.

I’d love to unpack [product’s] features and how it can help with the issue of [prospect problem] you shared with me.”

Objection 2:

We’re already working with [Vendor X]


“Why did you choose [vendor]? What’s working well? What’s not? Allow me to explain how [product] is different.

Objection 3:

We don’t have time needed to implement this solution.


“We completely understand the time investment but let’s look at the ROI of (our product) in terms of time saved over the long time. You are likely to save anywhere from X to X hours a month with the implementation of our product.

Methods of Answering Objections?

What are some of the ways you can answer specific objections? Here are 4 ways to consider.

1. Substitution Method

If a customer truly doesn’t feel a suggested product is right for them, come back to them with an alternative recommendation that will still meet their needs while addressing their concerns about purchasing.

2. Question Method

Challenge your sales prospects to think deeper on a topic by responding to a question they’ve asked with one of your own. It’s a great way to get them involved in the process and glean important information on where they stand.

3. Denial Method

Often a customer’s objections and concerns are unfounded. When that’s the case, it’s a good idea to gently correct them by demonstrating the correct answer to a problem or a product advantage they may not have fully considered. Use the objection as an opportunity to better educate the target on what your product does.

Tools for Success

When someone says “they’re not interested”, often what they mean is…

  • “I don’t understand what they do so “I’m not interested.”
  • “This person sounds like the other idiot sales rep who will waste my time with a weak sales message so “I’m not interested.”
  • “I need this, but I have never heard of this brand so I’m not interested.”

Ultimately sales isn’t about trying to sell someone something they don’t want. It’s about partnering for success!

Given that your customers are likely to invest a substantial amount in your company and product, they are likely to have objections. It’s all about assuring them that they have the right solution. 

Prepare the following to ensure you’re ready to handle any objection;

  1. Customer Success Story (You can get the template for this on Whale)
  2. Your value proposition for your customer related to their pain point.
  3. Reviews and customer testimonials.

The more confident you are in the solution you’re selling, the more likely your customers and potential customers are to feel confident.

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