
HR Process

A guidebook or reference manual for HR professionals and managers, outlining the steps and procedures to be followed in various HR activities.

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HR Process

About the HR Process

💡 The HR process encompasses all the procedures and policies related to human resources within our organization.

It provides employees with a clear understanding of how various HR activities, such as hiring, onboarding, training, performance evaluations, and offboarding, are managed.

By following this process, we ensure consistency, fairness, and compliance in our workforce, creating a positive and supportive environment for all employees.


💡 Tip: Link to your different job descriptions for easy access.

Develop a job description:
Create a detailed job description that outlines the responsibilities, qualifications, and other pertinent information about the position.

Post job openings:
Post the job opening on your company website, job boards, and other relevant job posting sites.

Utilize employee referrals:
Encourage current employees to refer qualified candidates for the position.

Attend job fairs and networking events:
Attend local job fairs and networking events to connect with potential candidates who may not have seen the job posting online.

Use social media:
Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to reach a wider pool of potential candidates.


💡 Tip: Link to your different job descriptions for easy access.

Prepare a list of questions:
Develop a list of open-ended questions that will help you evaluate the candidate’s skills, experience, and fit with the company culture. Ask behavioral questions that require the candidate to describe specific examples of how they handled past situations.

Begin the interview:
Start the interview by introducing yourself and explaining the purpose of the interview. Provide the candidate with an overview of the position and the company.

Ask open-ended questions:
Use the list of questions you prepared to ask open-ended questions that encourage the candidate to speak freely about their experience, skills, and qualifications.

Listen actively:
Listen actively to the candidate’s responses, taking note of key points and following up with additional questions or clarification as needed.


💡 Tip: If you have an ATS or HRIS system, link the different steps to these tools.

Check references:
Contact the candidate’s references to verify their work experience and qualifications.

Make a job offer:
If a candidate is selected, make a job offer that includes the job title, salary, start date, and any other relevant details.

Complete paperwork:
Once the candidate accepts the job offer, complete any necessary paperwork, such as tax forms, benefits enrollment, and company policies.


Welcome and Introductions:
Start by warmly welcoming the new candidate to the organization. Introduce them to key team members, including their supervisor, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Provide an overview of the company’s culture, values, and mission.

Company Policies and Procedures:
Familiarize the new candidate with the company’s policies and procedures. This includes sharing information about the employee handbook, code of conduct, attendance policies, and other relevant guidelines.

Job Training and Responsibilities:
Provide the new candidate with a comprehensive overview of their job responsibilities and expectations. Offer training sessions, resources, and materials to help them understand their role and perform their tasks effectively.

Access and Tools:
Ensure that the new candidate has the necessary access credentials, such as login information and security badges, to perform their job. Introduce them to the relevant tools, software, and systems they will be using and provide any required training on these platforms.

Check-Ins and Support:
Schedule regular check-ins with the new candidate to address any questions, concerns, or challenges they may have. Provide ongoing support and guidance, and offer opportunities for feedback and discussion.


Assess Training Needs:
Determine the specific training needs of the new candidate based on their role, experience, and skill gaps. Identify the knowledge and skills they need to perform their job effectively.

Develop a Training Plan:
Create a comprehensive training plan that outlines the specific training modules, resources, and timelines. Determine whether the training will be conducted in-person, virtually, or through a combination of both.

Role-Specific Training:
Offer role-specific training to equip the new candidate with the skills and knowledge required to perform their job successfully. This may involve providing technical training, software training, customer service skills, or other job-specific skills.

Ongoing Training and Development:
Support the new candidate’s continuous learning and development through ongoing training opportunities. Offer resources such as online courses, workshops, and mentorship programs to enhance their skills and promote their professional growth.

Informal quarterly review

Prepare an Agenda:
Create an agenda for the review that outlines the key topics and areas to be discussed. This can include:

  • performance highlights
  • goals progress
  • challenges faced
  • and any feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Conduct the Review Meeting:
Sit down with the employee and engage in a candid conversation about their performance and progress. Encourage open and honest communication, allowing the employee to share their experiences, achievements, and challenges. Offer constructive feedback and guidance, highlighting areas of success and identifying areas for improvement.

Goal Setting and Alignment:
Use the quarterly review as an opportunity to revisit and set goals for the upcoming quarter. Collaborate with the employee to establish clear, measurable objectives that align with their role and the organization’s overall goals. Discuss any support or resources they may need to achieve these goals.

Follow-up and Documentation:
After the review meeting, follow up with the employee to provide any additional guidance or support as needed. Document the key discussion points, goals set, and any action steps identified during the review.

Formal Annual Review

Prepare thoroughly by gathering relevant performance data, feedback, and any other necessary documentation. Review the employee’s goals and accomplishments over the past year.

Provide them with a self-evaluation form or questionnaire where they can reflect on their achievements, challenges, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Performance Discussion:
Review their achievements, strengths, and areas where they excelled. Provide constructive feedback on areas for improvement and offer suggestions for professional growth. Engage in a two-way conversation, allowing the employee to share their perspective and concerns.

Goal Setting:
Collaborate with the employee to set goals for the upcoming year. Discuss their career aspirations and identify objectives that align with their professional development and the organization’s goals. Ensure that the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals).

Documentation and Follow-Up:
Document the key discussion points, performance ratings, agreed-upon goals, and action steps during the review. Provide a written summary to the employee as a record of the discussion. Follow up after the review to provide ongoing support and resources as needed.


Review the Situation:
Carefully review the circumstances leading to this decision. Ensure that you have valid and justifiable reasons for termination, such as performance issues, policy violations, or organizational restructuring.

Documentation and Communication:
Document any performance concerns, policy violations, or other relevant incidents. Maintain a clear record of warnings, disciplinary actions, and any attempts made to address the issues.

Consult with Legal and HR:
Prior to termination, consult with the organization’s legal counsel and HR department to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Plan the Termination Meeting:
Schedule a private and confidential termination meeting with the employee. Prepare for the meeting by having all necessary documentation and supporting evidence readily available.

Conduct the Termination Meeting:
In the meeting, clearly and respectfully communicate the decision to terminate the employee’s employment. Offer support and assistance with any final tasks or transitioning responsibilities. Follow any legal requirements for finalizing paperwork, returning company property, and addressing employee benefits.

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