
New Hire Checklist for Managers

For a manager, hiring and onboarding a new hire can be daunting. Use our new hire checklist for managers as the ultimate tool that will streamline your hiring process and set your new team members up for success from day one.

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New Hire Checklist for Managers

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How to get your new hires onboarded and rearing to go!

Designed with the savvy but time-pressured manager and growing business in mind, this template isn’t just a document; it’s your first step toward building a thriving, energetic workplace. It’s designed to help you create an epic onboarding program.

This tool is not just a list; it’s your secret weapon for seamlessly integrating new team members into your business’s unique rhythm and culture. 

In the subsequent sections, we’ll explore 

  • What a new hire checklist for managers template entails, 
  • How it differs from an employee onboarding template, 
  • Why it’s essential, and 
  • What you should include in it

We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions to give you a well-rounded understanding of the process. 

It’ll help you avoid common onboarding mistakes and empower new hires in no time!

Let’s dive in!

What is a New Hire Checklist for Managers Template?

A new hire checklist for managers is a structured framework that guides managers through the initial steps of integrating a new employee into their team. It ensures that all logistical, administrative, and interpersonal steps are covered, making the transition smooth and efficient.

This checklist serves as a day-to-day guide to equip managers with the tools needed to welcome, train, and engage their new team members right from day one.
Not only that but it’s like to ease anxiety for both managers AND new hires. It also serves as an essential component of any great onboarding program.

Difference Between a New Hire Checklist for Managers and an Employee Onboarding Template

While they may sound similar, a new hire checklist for managers and an employee onboarding template serve distinctly different purposes.

The new hire checklist focuses specifically on the tasks a manager needs to complete to prepare for and integrate a new employee.

In contrast, an employee onboarding template is broader and typically includes a timeline of the entire onboarding process from pre-boarding to full integration, encompassing activities that involve multiple departments such as HR, IT, and facilities.

Josh Fechter from HR University on onboarding new employees.

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Why Do You Need a New Hire Checklist for Managers?

The importance of a structured new hire process and well structured onboarding cannot be overstated. 

According to a Harvard Business Review study, up to 20% of new hire turnover occurs within the first 45 days of employment. The same study found that organizations with a standardized onboarding process experience 50% greater new hire retention and 62% greater new hire productivity. 

And a survey by CareerBuilder found that 72% of employees with a negative onboarding experience were more likely to share it online, affecting the company’s ability to attract future talent.

Making sure managers are equipped with a new hire checklist is an essential part of onboarding. It ensures that nothing is overlooked and helps managers consistently create positive first experiences for new employees, which can significantly influence their performance and long-term retention of top talent.

What’s Included in a New Hire Checklist for Managers Template?

Infographic outlining a new hire checklist for onboarding, depicting steps from workspace setup to professional development, with icons and section titles.

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A comprehensive new hire checklist for managers typically includes:

1. A welcome package

Kick things off with a bang! Our pre-welcome pack isn’t just swag; it’s your new hire’s first taste of your company culture, complete with essential paperwork and a sneak peek at what their first day will look like.

2. Pre-arrival Preparations

Before they step foot in the office, make sure their gear is set. From tech setups to access badges and a neatly organized workspace, everything should be mission-ready to help them blast off smoothly.

3. Welcome and Introduction

Give them a grand tour of the universe they’ve just joined! Roll out a day packed with team introductions, immersive training sessions, and, of course, a celebratory welcome lunch to fuel up for the journey ahead.

4. Reviewing policies and procedures

Don’t let them float adrift! Make sure they’ve got a firm grasp of the employee handbook, safety protocols, and all those crucial compliance cosmos.

5. Job-specific Training

Every role has its unique controls. Provide tailored training modules that transform rookies into seasoned spacefarers in their specific job functions. This includes new hire onboarding training and job-specific training for the new hire

6. Goal Setting, professional development, and expectations

Set coordinates for success! Establish short-term goals and review job roles and expectations for learning.

7. Feedback and Evaluation

Scheduled check-ins to provide feedback and address any questions or concerns from the new hire.

Tips for managers for onboarding new hires

New hires are like Dory’s swimming in a brand new ocean and more than likely feel really overwhelmed. 

As a manager, if you really want to ensure that your new hires buy into the company mission and are excited to contribute, you’ll need to consider the 5C’s of onboarding;

  1. Culture ✨
  2. Clarity 👍
  3. Connection 💜
  4. Compliance 📃
  5. Checkback ✅

And confidence 🏂

Okay, that’s 6 but the more you make stay complicit with the first 5 activities, the more confidence you will create in your new hire.

The more you establish a connection with your new hire, the more likely you are to help them integrate into the culture. The more clarity you create regarding expectations, the more compliance you’ll have a result. The more you check back with your new hire, the easier it will be to achieve culture, clarity, connection, and compliance.

FAQs Regarding the New Hire Checklist for Managers

Preparation should begin as soon as the hiring decision is made, ideally a few weeks before the new employee starts.

Absolutely! It’s beneficial to tailor the checklist to meet the specific needs of different roles within your organization to address various departmental nuances.

Onboarding software and technology makes like easier for everyone! 

It streamlines the process, from automating tasks to acting as a learning reasource. Tools like onboarding software enable efficient management of documents, and training, making the process more engaging for everyone. It even helps you measure the impact and effectiveness of employee onboarding.

Yes, remote employees may require additional considerations, such as virtual tools setup, digital onboarding sessions, and ways to build connection remotely.

By leveraging a well-crafted new hire checklist, managers can transform the daunting task of hiring into an opportunity to impress and engage new talent from day one. Remember, the goal is not just to onboard but to onboard effectively, setting the stage for mutual growth and success.

New employee onboarding can take anywhere from 30 days up to one year.

Ideally new hires should have at least a 30-60-90 day onboarding plan and have objectives in place to reach within the first year. 

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