4 Ways to Optimize Your Meetings and Gain Traction

How to gain Traction by Supercharging your meetings

I wish we had another Zoom meeting, said no one ever!

We spoke to Isaiah Nolte, Integrator and President at BloomGrowth, on “How to scale your business by supercharging meetings – 4 tips to getting it right” on the first-ever episode of the Chaos to Clarity podcast.

Celebrating World and National Entrepreneur’s Day (US)

Celebrate Entrepreneur's Day with Whale

National Entrepreneur’s Day, is celebrated annually on the third Tuesday in November! Entrepreneurs are much of the driving force behind innovation and economic growth. So we wanted to take not a moment or a day but a month to celebrate entrepreneurs everywhere for their grit, perseverance, and contribution.

Build a Process Mindset: 3 Common Stumbling Blocks to Avoid

Mindsets that prevent process

Lisa Gonzalez is no stranger to the world of entrepreneurship. Lisa grew up in an entrepreneurial family in California and supported them in their many business operations. With a wealth of entrepreneurial experience since then and as co-author of the book Process! We spoke to Lisa to find out exactly what it means to have a process mindset and the three typical stumbling blocks that prevent it

The Top 6 Chrome Extensions Guaranteed to Promote Growth

The Top 6 Chrome Extensions

Entrepreneurship is a busy practice with serious dedication needed to unlock growth. No one has time to log in to different applications daily to ensure they’re accessing certain features. Google’s Chrome Web Store has thousands of free downloadable extensions available.

As we’ve made it our mission to help entrepreneurs unlock growth, we thought we’d share some of our favorite extensions.

7 Clever Ways to Increase Your Team Productivity

Adults playing a game to demonstrate productivity

As a leader in your industry, you know that time is money and productivity is key. In today’s fast-paced business world, increasing your team’s productivity is essential to staying competitive and achieving success. Here are 7 ways to up productivity?

Remote Employee Onboarding: 7 Ways to Avoid a Disaster

A man sitting at a table with a laptop during remote employee onboarding

Isn’t is a dream when new team members join? The SWAG! The coffee and new conversations! The excitement of the first day!
But how does remote employee onboarding work? Here’s how to set new team members up for the win!

3 Challenges in Documenting SOPs and Processes – And How to Solve Them

Lady with boxing gloves

Is documenting SOPs and business processes on your “to-do” list? Has this “to-do” languished for weeks, months, or even years?

You are not alone. While documenting company procedures and processes is vital to business growth, there may be other priorities as you put out fires, strategize employee retention, and focus on the many tasks that must be completed to keep your company running smoothly.